Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/31/2023

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Creates a new convolution or correlation task descriptor for one-dimensional case and assigns source data to the first operand vector.


status = vslsConvNewTaskX1D(task, mode, xshape, yshape, zshape, x, xstride);

status = vsldConvNewTaskX1D(task, mode, xshape, yshape, zshape, x, xstride);

status = vslcConvNewTaskX1D(task, mode, xshape, yshape, zshape, x, xstride);

status = vslzConvNewTaskX1D(task, mode, xshape, yshape, zshape, x, xstride);

status = vslsCorrNewTaskX1D(task, mode, xshape, yshape, zshape, x, xstride);

status = vsldCorrNewTaskX1D(task, mode, xshape, yshape, zshape, x, xstride);

status = vslcCorrNewTaskX1D(task, mode, xshape, yshape, zshape, x, xstride);

status = vslzCorrNewTaskX1D(task, mode, xshape, yshape, zshape, x, xstride);

Include Files
  • mkl.h
Input Parameters





const MKL_INT

Specifies whether convolution/correlation calculation must be performed by using a direct algorithm or through Fourier transform of the input data. See Table "Values of mode parameter" for a list of possible values.


const MKL_INT

Defines the length of the input data sequence for the source array x. See Data Allocation for more information.


const MKL_INT

Defines the length of the input data sequence for the source array y. See Data Allocation for more information.


const MKL_INT

Defines the length of the output data sequence to be stored in array z. See Data Allocation for more information.


const float[] for real data in single precision flavors,

const double[] for real data in double precision flavors,

const MKL_Complex8[] for complex data in single precision flavors,

const MKL_Complex16[] for complex data in double precision flavors

Pointer to the array containing input data for the first operand vector. See Data Allocation for more information.


const MKL_INT

Stride for input data sequence in the arrayx.

Output Parameters





VSLConvTaskPtr* for vslsConvNewTaskX1D, vsldConvNewTaskX1D, vslcConvNewTaskX1D, vslzConvNewTaskX1D

VSLCorrTaskPtr* for vslsCorrNewTaskX1D, vsldCorrNewTaskX1D, vslcCorrNewTaskX1D, vslzCorrNewTaskX1D

Pointer to the task descriptor if created successfully or NULL pointer otherwise.



Set to VSL_STATUS_OK if the task is created successfully or set to non-zero error code otherwise.


Each vslConvNewTaskX1D/vslCorrNewTaskX1D constructor creates a new convolution or correlation task descriptor with the user specified values for explicit parameters. The optional parameters are set to their default values (see Table "Convolution and Correlation Task Parameters").

These routines represent a special one-dimensional version of the so called X-form of the constructor. This assumes that the value of the parameter dims is 1 and that in addition to creating the task descriptor, constructor routines assign particular data to the first operand vector in array x used in convolution or correlation operation. The task descriptor created by the vslConvNewTaskX1D/vslCorrNewTaskX1D constructor keeps the pointer to the array x all the time, that is, until the task object is deleted by one of the destructor routines (see vslConvDeleteTask/vslCorrDeleteTask).

Using this form of constructors is recommended when you need to compute multiple convolutions or correlations with the same data vector in array x against different vectors in array y. This helps improve performance by eliminating unnecessary overhead in repeated computation of intermediate data required for the operation.

The parameters xshape, yshape, and zshape are equal to the number of elements read from the arrays x and y or stored to the array z. You explicitly assign the shape parameters when calling the constructor.

The stride parameters xstride specifies the physical location of the input data in the array x and is an interval between locations of consecutive elements of the array. For example, if the value of the parameter xstride is s, then only every sth element of the array x will be used to form the input sequence. The stride value must be positive or negative but not zero.