Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-8D49DD78-36E7-4F32-B602-4922865BB9C7
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-8D49DD78-36E7-4F32-B602-4922865BB9C7
Specify Number of SIMD Work Items (num_simd_work_items)
Specify the number of work-items within a work-group that the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler should execute in a SIMD or vectorized manner.
The [[cl::reqd_work_group_size(Z, Y, X)]] attribute is deprecated. Use the [[sycl::reqd_work_group_size(Z, Y, X)]] attribute.
To specify the number of SIMD work-items in a work-group, insert the [[intel::num_simd_work_items(N)]] attribute in the kernel source code. The supported values for size N are 2, 4, 8, and 16. Other sizes are accepted, but ignored (no vectorization occurs).
Consider the following example:
cgh.parallel_for<class kernelComputeSIMD>( nd_range<1>(range<1>(N), range<1>(REQD_WORK_GROUP_SIZE)), [=] (nd_item<id> it) [[intel::num_simd_work_items(NUM_SIMD_WORK_ITEMS), sycl::reqd_work_group_size(1, 1, REQD_WORK_GROUP_SIZE)]] { auto gid = it.get_global_id(0); accessorRes[gid] = sycl::sqrt(accessorIdx[gid]); }
Introduce the [[intel::num_simd_work_items(N)]] attribute in conjunction with the [[sycl::reqd_work_group_size(Z, Y, X)]] attribute. The [[intel::num_simd_work_items(N)]] attribute you specify must evenly divide the last argument that you specify to the req_work_group_size attribute.
For additional information about [[sycl::reqd_work_group_size(Z, Y, X)]] attribute, refer to Specify a Workgroup Size (max_work_group_size/reqd_work_group_size).