Developer Guide

Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Handbook for FPGAs

ID 785441
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Set the Environment Variables and Launch Visual Studio* Code

Before you perform the steps in this section, ensure that you have installed the software listed under Prerequisites for FPGA Development for Intel oneAPI Toolkits with Visual Studio* Code.
Ensure that your VS Code* session and any of its terminal sessions or child processes inherit the oneAPI development environment by setting the required environment variables before launching VS Code*. Perform the following steps to set the required environment variables:
  1. Open a terminal or command prompt session.
  2. Locate the setvars or oneapi-vars script. The location depends of your oneAPI installation.

    For more information about the location of the setvars or oneapi-vars script, refer to the following topics:

  3. Run the setvars or oneapi-vars script from the command line.
  4. In the same command line session, launch Visual Studio* Code by running the following command: