Developer Guide

Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Handbook for FPGAs

ID 785441
Date 6/24/2024

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Partitioning Buffers Across Memory Channels of the Same Memory Type

By default, the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler configures each global memory type in a burst-interleaved manner. Usually, the burst-interleaving configuration leads to the best load balancing between the memory channels. However, there might be situations where it is more efficient to partition the memory into non-interleaved regions. For additional information, refer to Global Memory Accesses Optimization.

The Global Memory Partitions diagram in Global Memory Accesses Optimization illustrates the differences between burst-interleaved and non-interleaved memory partitions.

To manually partition some or all of the available global memory types, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a buffer with property::buffer::mem_channel specifying channel ID in its property_list.
    • Specify property::buffer::mem_channel with value 1 to allocate the buffer in the lowest available memory channel (default).
    • Specify property::buffer::mem_channel with value 2 or greater to allocate the buffer in the higher available memory channel.

    Here is an example buffer definition:

    range<1> num_of_items{N}; buffer<T, 1> bufferA(, num_of_items, {property::buffer::mem_channel{1}}); buffer<T, 1> bufferB(, num_of_items, {property::buffer::mem_channel{2}}); buffer<T, 1> bufferC(, num_of_items, {property::buffer::mem_channel{3}});
  2. Compile your design kernel using the =<global_memory_name>> flag to configure the memory channels of the specified memory type as separate addresses. For more information about the use of the =<global_memory_name> flag, refer to the Disable Burst-Interleaving of Global Memory (-Xsno-interleaving) section.

    If you do not specify the -Xsno-interleaving option in your compiler command and have specified the mem_channel property on buffers in your kernel, the compiler assumes that a =default option was specified in the compiler command. This behavior might change in a future release, so ensure that you always explicitly set the =<global_memory_name>> option in the compiler command when using the mem_channel property.

  • Do not set more than one memory channel property on a buffer.
  • If the memory channel specified is not available on the target board, the buffer is placed in the first memory channel.