Developer Guide

Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Handbook for FPGAs

ID 785441
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

FPGA Local Memory Function

The following table summarizes the local memory function:

Local Memory Function
Function Description
template <typename T, typename Group> multi_ptr<T, Group::address_space> group_local_memory_for_overwrite(Group g)

Constructs an object of type T in an address space accessible by all work items in the workgroup g, using the default initialization. The object is initialized upon or before the first call to the group_local_memory_for_overwrite function. The storage for the object is allocated upon or before the first call to the group_local_memory_for_overwrite function, and deallocated when all work items in the workgroup have completed executing the kernel.

All arguments in args must be the same for all work items in the group. Group must be sycl::group, and T must be trivially destructible.