Developer Guide

Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Handbook for FPGAs

ID 785441
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Configure Running and Debugging in a Visual Studio* Code Project

You can use the special version of GNU* GDB (gdb-oneapi) provided by the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit to debug your kernel through Visual Studio* Code (VS Code*) by following the instructions provided in Using Visual Studio Code with Intel® oneAPI Toolkits User Guide.

You can also use your native debugger if you disable code optimizations when you compile your code.

Before you can debug your application in VS Code*, you must configure running and debugging in your VS Code* project. You must complete the following instructions for each oneAPI project that you want to enable running and debugging in:

  1. Follow the steps in Set the Environment Variables and Launch Visual Studio* Code to launch VS Code* with the required oneAPI environment.
  2. Open the project file that you want to enable running and debugging for.
  3. If you have not yet compiled your project for debugging, compile your source code for emulation.
    • Linux: Ensure that you include the -g and -O0 compiler command options. The -g option enables debugging and the -O0 option disables code optimizations.
      icpx -fintelfpga -g -O0 <kernel code.cpp> -o fpga_emu

      Disable code optimizations with the -O0 option only for emulation. Do not disable code optimizations for simulation or hardware compilation.

    • Windows: Ensure that you include the /DEBUG and /Od compiler command options. The /DEBUG option enables debugging and the /Od option disables code optimizations.
      icx-cl -fintelfpga /DEBUG /Od /EHsc <kernel code.cpp> -o fpga_emu.exe

      Disable code optimizations with the /Od option only for emulation. Do not disable code optimizations for simulation or hardware compilation.

    If you are compiling a code sample, CMake generates the debug flags for you:

    • Linux::
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake <path_to_CMakeLists.txt> 
      make fpga_emu
    • Windows:
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake <path_to_CMakeLists.txt>  
      nmake fpga_emu

  4. Click the Run and Debug icon in the Activity Bar (or press Ctrl+Shift+D).

  5. Click create a launch.json file.
  6. Select your debugger as follows:
    • Linux: C++ (GDB/LLDB)
    • Windows: C++ (Windows)
  7. Add the configuration to your launch.json file as follows:
    1. Place your cursor in between the [] of the "configurations":[] line and press Ctrl+Space to select from available launch templates:

    2. Select a template as follows:
      • Linux: Select C/C++: (gdb) Launch
      • Windows: Select C/C++: (Windows) Launch
    3. Update the "program": "enter program name, for example ${workspaceFolder}/a.exe", pair to point at the executable file (generated when you compiled your kernel for emulation) that you want to debug.
  8. Save the launch.json file and close it.