Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Understand Project Types

When you create a project in Visual Studio*, you must choose a project type. You need to create a project for each binary executable file to be created. For example, the main Fortran program and a Fortran dynamic-link library (DLL) would each reside in the same solution as separate projects.

The project type specifies what to generate and determines some of the options that the visual development environment sets by default for the project. It determines, for instance, the options that the compiler uses to compile the source files, the static libraries that the linker uses to build the project, and the default locations for output files.

When you select a project type, an Application wizard (AppWizard) is launched, which guides you through project set-up. The AppWizard supplies default settings for both the Release and Debug Configurations of the project. For more information about configurations, see Understand Solutions Projects and Configurations.

The following table lists the available Intel® Fortran Compiler project types. The first four projects listed are main project types, requiring main programs. The last two are library projects, without main programs.

Project Type

Key Features

Use Fortran Console Application Projects (.EXE)

Single window main projects without graphics (resembles character-cell applications). Requires no special programming expertise.

Use Fortran Standard Graphics Application Projects (.EXE)

Single window main projects with graphics. The programming complexity is simple to moderate, depending on the graphics and user interaction used.

Use Fortran QuickWin Application Projects (.EXE)

Multiple window main projects with graphics. The programming complexity is simple to moderate, depending on the graphics and user interaction used.

Use Fortran Windowing Application Projects (.EXE)

Multiple window main projects with full graphical interface and access to all Windows* API routines. Requires advanced programming expertise and knowledge of the Call Windows API Routines.

Use Fortran Static Library Projects (.LIB)

Library routines to link into .EXE files.

Use Fortran Dynamic-Link Library Projects (.DLL)

Library routines to associate during execution.

Use the Fortran COM Server (.DLL)

Fortran in-process COM server

If you need to use the command line to build your project, you can: