Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

inline-max-size, Qinline-max-size

Specifies the lower limit for the size of what the inliner considers to be a large routine. This feature is only available for ifort.










Is a positive integer that specifies the minimum size of what the inliner considers to be a large routine.


or /Qinline-max-size

The compiler sets the maximum size (n) dynamically, based on the platform.


This option specifies the lower limit for the size of what the inliner considers to be a large routine (a function or subroutine). The inliner classifies routines as small, medium, or large. This option specifies the boundary between what the inliner considers to be medium and large-size routines.

The inliner prefers to inline small routines. It has a preference against inlining large routines. So, any large routine is highly unlikely to be inlined.

If you specify -no-inline-max-size (Linux*) or /Qinline-max-size- (Windows*), there are no large routines. Every routine is either a small or medium routine.

To see compiler values for important inlining limits, specify option [q or Q]opt-report.


When you use this option to increase the default limit, the compiler may do so much additional inlining that it runs out of memory and terminates with an "out of memory" message.

IDE Equivalent


Alternate Options


See Also