Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 6/24/2024
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Internal Procedures

Internal procedures are functions or subroutines that are defined in the internal-subprogram-part of a main program, a subroutine or function program unit, or a module procedure in a program unit. The program unit or module procedure in which the internal procedure appears is called its host.

An internal procedure takes the following form:



[internal-subprogram] ...


Is a function or subroutine subprogram that defines the procedure. An internal subprogram must not contain any other internal subprograms.


Internal procedures are the same as external procedures, except for the following:

  • An internal procedure can be called from its host, or it can be invoked through a procedure pointer or a dummy procedure outside its host.

    If it references a data object from its host, the object must have the SAVE attribute (implicitly or explicitly), be allocated if it is allocatable, and be associated if it is a pointer when the host program unit is not active in the call list.

  • An internal procedure has access to host entities by host association; that is, names declared in the host program unit are useable within the internal procedure.

  • An internal procedure must not contain an ENTRY statement.

  • The name of the internal procedure is not a global name.

An internal procedure can reference itself (directly or indirectly); it can be referenced in the execution part of its host and in the execution part of any internal procedure contained in the same host (including itself).

The interface of an internal procedure is always explicit.


The following example shows an internal procedure:

  FUNCTION HUE(BLUE)   ! An internal procedure

The following example program contains an internal subroutine find, which performs calculations that the main program then prints. The variables a, b, and c declared in the host program are also known to the internal subroutine.

 program INTERNAL
 ! shows use of internal subroutine and CONTAINS statement
    real a,b,c
    call find
    print *, c
    subroutine find
     read *, a,b
     c = sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
    end subroutine find