Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Specify Project Types with ifort Command Options

This section provides the ifort command-line options that correspond to Microsoft Visual Studio* project types.

Create Main Project Types

The first four projects described below are main project types, requiring main programs. You can create any of the following project types with the ifort command:

  • To create console application projects, you do not need to specify any options. (If you link separately, specify the link option /subsystem:console.) A console application is the default project type created.

  • To create standard graphics application projects, specify the libs option with keyword qwins (also sets certain linker options).

  • To create QuickWin application projects, specify the libs option with keyword qwin (also sets certain linker options).

  • To create windowing application projects, specify the winapp option (also sets certain linker options).

Create Library Project Types

The following project types are library projects, without main programs. You can create them with the ifort command:

  • To create dynamic-link library (DLL) projects, specify the dll option (which sets the libs option with keyword dll).

  • To create static library projects:

    • If your application does not call any QuickWin or standard graphics routines, specify the libs option with keyword static and c options to create the object files.

    • If your application calls QuickWin routines, specify the libs option with keyword qwin and c options to create the object files.

    • If your application calls standard graphics routines, specify the libs option with keyword qwins and c options to create the object files.

    • Use the LIB command to create the library.