Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 6/24/2024
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Type Declarations within Record Structures

The syntax of a type declaration within a record structure is identical to that of a normal Fortran type statement.

The following rules and behavior apply to type declarations in record structures:

  • %FILL can be specified in place of a field name to leave space in a record for purposes such as alignment. This creates an unnamed field.

    %FILL can have an array specification; for example:

      INTEGER %FILL (2,2)

    Unnamed fields cannot be initialized. For example, the following statement is invalid and generates an error message:

      INTEGER %FILL /1980/
  • Initial values can be supplied in field declaration statements. Unnamed fields cannot be initialized; they are always undefined.

  • Field names must always be given explicit data types. The IMPLICIT statement does not affect field declarations.

  • Any required array dimensions must be specified in the field declaration statements. DIMENSION statements cannot be used to define field names.

  • Adjustable or assumed sized arrays and assumed-length CHARACTER declarations are not allowed in field declarations.