Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Data Types, Constants, and Variables

Each constant, variable, array, expression, or function reference in a Fortran statement has a data type. The data type of these items can be inherent in their construction, implied by convention, or explicitly declared.

Each data type has the following properties:

  • A name

    The names of the intrinsic data types are predefined, while the names of derived types are defined in derived-type definitions. Data objects (constants, variables, or parts of constants or variables) are declared using the name of the data type.

  • A set of associated values

    Each data type has a set of valid values. Integer and real data types have a range of valid values. Complex and derived types have sets of values that are combinations of the values of their individual components.

  • A way to represent constant values for the data type

    A constant is a data object with a fixed value that cannot be changed during program execution. The value of a constant can be a numeric value, a logical value, or a character string.

    A constant that does not have a name is a literal constant. A literal constant must be of intrinsic type and it cannot be array-valued.

    A constant that has a name is a named constant. A named constant can be of any type, including derived type, and it can be array-valued. A named constant has the PARAMETER attribute and is specified in a type declaration statement or PARAMETER statement.

  • A set of operations to manipulate and interpret these values

    The data type of a variable determines the operations that can be used to manipulate it. Besides intrinsic operators and operations, you can also define operators and operations.