Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 3/31/2023

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Forces a restricted transactional memory (RTM) region to abort. The corresponding Intel® AVX2 instruction is XABORT.


void _xabort(const unsigned int imm);




Forces a RTM region to abort. All outstanding transactions are aborted and the logical processor resumes execution at the fallback address computed through the outermost xbegin transaction.

The EAX register is updated to reflect an xabort instruction caused the abort, and the imm8 argument will be provided in the upper eight bits of the return value (EAX register bits 31:24) containing the indicated immediate value. The argument of xabort function must be a compile time constant.

The model instruction sequence for xabort support is:

__inline void _xabort() {	__asm { xabort } }


Result of the query.