Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 3/31/2023

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qopenmp-simd, Qopenmp-simd

Enables or disables OpenMP* SIMD compilation.














-qopenmp-simd or /Qopenmp-simd

OpenMP* SIMD compilation is enabled if option O2 or higher is in effect.

OpenMP* SIMD compilation is always disabled at optimization levels of O1 or lower.

When option O2 or higher is in effect, OpenMP SIMD compilation can only be disabled by specifying option -qno-openmp-simd or /Qopenmp-simd-. It is not disabled by specifying option -qno-openmp or /Qopenmp-.


This option enables or disables OpenMP* SIMD compilation.

You can use this option if you want to enable or disable the SIMD support with no impact on other OpenMP features. In this case, no OpenMP runtime library is needed to link and the compiler does not need to generate OpenMP runtime initialization code.

If you specify this option with the [q or Q]openmp option, it can impact other OpenMP features.

IDE Equivalent


Alternate Options



Consider the following:

-qno-openmp -qopenmp-simd    ! Linux or macOS
/Qopenmp- /Qopenmp-simd      ! Windows 

The above is equivalent to specifying only [q or Q]openmp-simd. In this case, only SIMD support is provided, the OpenMP* library is not linked, and only the !$OMP directives related to SIMD are processed.

Consider the following:

-qopenmp -qopenmp-simd       ! Linux or macOS
/Qopenmp /Qopenmp-simd       ! Windows 

In this case, SIMD support is provided, the OpenMP library is linked, and OpenMP runtime initialization code is generated. Note that when you specify [q or Q]openmp, it implies [q or Q]openmp-simd.

See Also