Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 3/31/2023

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Example for aio_error and aio_return Functions

The following example illustrates how the aio_error() and aio_return() functions can be used.

int aio_ex_3(HANDLE fd)
 static struct aiocb aio;
 static struct aiocb *aio_list[] = {&aio};
 int    ret;
 char  *dat = "Hello from Ex-3\n";
/* Data initialization and asynchronously writing */
 IC_AIO_DATA_INIT(aio, fd, dat, strlen(dat), 0);
 if (aio_write(& aio) == -1) return errno;
 ret = aio_error(&aio);
 if ( ret == EINPROGRESS ) {
 fprintf(stderr, "ERRNO=%d STR=%s\n", ret, strerror(ret));
 ret = aio_suspend(aio_list, 1, NULL);
 if (ret == -1) return errno;}
 else if (ret)
 return ret;
 ret = aio_error(&aio);
 if (ret) return ret;
 ret = aio_return(&aio);
 printf("ret=%d\n", ret);
 return 0;
}/* aio_ex_3 */

Result upon execution:

-bash-3.00$ ./a.out
ERRNO=115 STR=Operation now in progress
-bash-3.00$ cat dat
Hello from Ex-3


  1. In the example, the IC_AIO_DATA_INIT is defined as follows:
    #define IC_AIO_DATA_INIT(_aio, _fd, _dat, _len, _off)\
     {memset(&_aio, 0, sizeof(_aio)); \
     _aio.aio_fildes = _fd;  \
     _aio.aio_buf    = _dat;  \
     _aio.aio_nbytes = _len;  \
     _aio.aio_offset = _off;}
  2. The file descriptor fd is obtained as:
    HANDLE fd  = CreateFile("dat",