Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 3/31/2023

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Intrinsics for 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Instruction Extensions

The 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Instruction Extension intrinsics are assembly-coded functions that call on 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Instructions that include new vector SIMD and scalar instructions targeted for Intel® 64 architecture processors in process technology smaller than 32nm.

To use these intrinsics, include the immintrin.h file as follows:

#include <immintrin.h>

Functional Overview

The 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Instruction Extensions include:

  • Four intrinsics that map to two hardware instructions VCVTPS2PH and VCVTPH2PS performing 16-bit floating-point data type conversion to and from single-precision floating-point data type. The intrinsics for conversion to packed 16-bit floating-point values from packed single-precision floating-point values also provide rounding control using an immediate byte.
  • Three intrinsics that map to the hardware instruction RDRAND. The intrinsics generate random numbers of 16/32/64 bit wide random integers.
  • Eight intrinsics that map to the hardware instructions RDFSBASE, RDGSBASE, WRFSBASE, and WRGSBASE. The intrinsics allow software that works in the 64-bit environment to read and write the FS base and GS base registers at all privileged levels.