Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 3/31/2023

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Multiplies extended packed unsigned integers of two vectors with round and scale. The corresponding Intel® AVX2 instruction is VPMULHRSW.


extern __m256i _mm256_mulhrs_epi16(__m256i s1, __m256i s2);



integer source vector used for the operation


integer source vector used for the operation


Vertically multiplies each signed 16-bit integer from s1vector with the corresponding signed 16-bit integer of s2 vector, producing intermediate, signed 32-bit integers. Each intermediate 32-bit integer is truncated to the 18 most-significant-bits. Rounding is performed by adding 1 to the least-significant-bit of the 18-bit intermediate result.

The final result is obtained by selecting the 16 bits immediately to the right of the most-significant-bit of each 18-bit intermediate result and packing them to the destination operand.


Result of the multiply, round, and scale operation.