Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 3/31/2023

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Document Table of Contents

Build the Target

A single project can contain multiple targets. The active target determines how your project is built. This topic describes how to build the target using the Xcode* IDE and documents the build steps using the xcodebuild command line utility.

Starting with the 19.0 release of the Intel® C++ Compiler Classic, macOS 32-bit applications are no longer supported. If you want to compile 32-bit applications, you must use an earlier version of the compiler and you must use Xcode 9.4 or earlier.

Build Using the Xcode IDE

  1. Select the target in the project editor under Targets.
  2. Select Product > Build.
  3. To view the results of your build, click the Log Navigator button.

You can change the compilation order of the files in an Xcode target. To re-order the files listed under a target's Compile Sources, click a source file and drag it before, or after other compilations.

Build From the Command Line Using the xcodebuild Utility

You can use the xcodebuild utility to build a target. This utility uses the Xcode project settings to build target projects from the command line. If you have previously configured your Xcode project to build with the Intel compiler, xcodebuild invokes it from the command line.

To build from the command line:

  1. Check that the Xcode project is configured to use the Intel® C++ Compiler Classic.
  2. Launch a terminal window from the finder by selecting Applications > Utilities > Terminal .
  3. Change directories to the directory containing the Xcode project file (.xcodeproj).
  4. If you have multiple versions of Xcode, use the xcode-select utility to verify the current Xcode version.
  5. Issue an xcodebuild command. For example:
    xcodebuild -project HelloWorld.xcodeproj -target HelloWorld -configuration Debug
  6. Run the program built in the example from the previous step by entering the following:

For more information, refer to the xcodebuild man page.

Set the Executable's Architecture

Before building a 64-bit executable from within Xcode, you may need to edit the executable's target architecture. To change the Architectures setting:

  1. Click the target you want to change in the project editor under Targets and select the Build Settings tab.
  2. Under Architectures, select the desired architecture.
The Intel® C++ Compiler Classic generates code solely for Intel® architectures.