Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 3/31/2023

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Shuffles the upper 4 high signed or unsigned words in each 128-bit lane of the source operand according to the shuffle control operand. The low qwords in each of 2 128-bit lanes of the source operand are copied to the corresponding low qwords of the result value. The corresponding Intel® AVX 2 instruction is VPSHUFHW.


extern __m256i _mm256_shufflehi_epi16(__m256i val, const int control);



integer source operand


immediate control mask


Shuffles the upper four high signed or unsigned words in each 128-bit lane of the source operand according to the shuffle control operand. The low qwords in each of two 128-bit lanes of the source operand are copied to the corresponding low qwords of the result value. The shuffle control operand must be an immediate.

Below is the pseudo-code for the intrinsic:

RESULT[63:0] <- VAL[63:0]
RESULT[79:64] <- (VAL >> (CONTROL[1:0] *16))[79:64]
RESULT[95:80] <- (VAL >> (CONTROL[3:2] * 16))[79:64]
RESULT[111:96] <- (VAL >> (CONTROL[5:4] * 16))[79:64]
RESULT[127:112] <- (VAL >> (CONTROL[7:6] * 16))[79:64]
RESULT[191:128] <- VAL[191:128]
RESULT[207192] <- (VAL >> (CONTROL[1:0] *16))[207:192]
RESULT[223:208] <- (VAL >> (CONTROL[3:2] * 16))[207:192]
RESULT[239:224] <- (VAL >> (CONTROL[5:4] * 16))[207:192]

RESULT[255:240] <- (VAL >> (CONTROL[7:6] * 16))[207:192]


Result of the shuffle operation.