Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 3/31/2023

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qopt-report-filter, Qopt-report-filter

Tells the compiler to find the indicated parts of your application, and generate optimization reports for those parts of your application.










Is the information to search for. The string must appear within quotes. It can take one or more of the following forms:

filename, routine
filename, range [, range]...
filename, routine, range [, range]...

If you specify more than one of the above forms in a string, a semicolon must appear between each form. If you specify more than one range in a string, a comma must appear between each range. Optional blanks can follow each parameter in the forms above and they can also follow each form in a string.


Specifies the name of a file to be found. It can include a path.

If you do not specify a path, the compiler looks for the filename in the current working directory.


Specifies the name of a routine to be found. You can include an identifying parameter.

The name, including any parameter, must be enclosed in single quotes.

The compiler tries to uniquely identify the routine that corresponds to the specified routine name.

It may select multiple routines to analyze, especially if more than one routine has the specified routine name, so the routine cannot be uniquely identified.


Specifies a range of line numbers to be found in the file or routine specified. The range must be specified in integers in the form:


The hyphen between the line numbers is required.



No optimization report is generated.


This option tells the compiler to find the indicated parts of your application, and generate optimization reports for those parts of your application. Optimization reports will only be generated for the routines that contain the specified string.

On Linux* and macOS, if you specify both -qopt-report-routine=string1 and -qopt-report-filter=string2, it is treated as -qopt-report-filter=string1;string2. On Windows*, if you specify both /Qopt-report-routine:string1 and /Qopt-report-filter:string2, it is treated as/Qopt-report-filter:string1;string2.

If you use this option, you do not have to specify option [q or Q]opt-report.

When optimization reporting is enabled, the default is -qopt-report-phase=all (Linux* and macOS) or /Qopt-report-phase:all (Windows*).

IDE Equivalent


Alternate Options


See Also