System_Mgr Address Map

System Manager core registers
Module Instance Base Address End Address
i_sys_mgr_core 0xFFD12000 0xFFD124FF
Register Offset Width Access Reset Value Description
siliconid1 0x0 32 RO 0x00020001
Silicon ID1 Register
siliconid2 0x4 32 RO 0x00000000
Silicon ID2 Register
wddbg 0x8 32 RW 0x08080808
L4 Watchdog Debug Register
mpu_status 0x10 32 RO 0x00000000
This is MPU control register
mpu_ace 0x14 32 RW 0x00000202
This is MPU control register
dma 0x20 32 RW 0x00000000
Control Register
dma_periph 0x24 32 RW 0x00000000
Peripheral Security Register
sdmmc 0x28 32 RW 0x00000000
Control Register
sdmmc_l3master 0x2C 32 RW 0x00000301
SD/MMC L3 Master HPROT Register
nand_bootstrap 0x30 32 RW 0x00000000
Bootstrap Control Register
nand_l3master 0x34 32 RW 0x00003300
NAND L3 Master AxCACHE Register
usb0_l3master 0x38 32 RW 0x00003001
USB L3 Master HPROT AHB-Lite Register
usb1_l3master 0x3C 32 RW 0x00003001
USB L3 Master HPROT AHB-Lite Register
emac_global 0x40 32 RW 0x00000000
EMAC L3 Master AxCACHE Register
emac0 0x44 32 RW 0x12000003
Control Register
emac1 0x48 32 RW 0x12000003
Control Register
emac2 0x4C 32 RW 0x12000003
Control Register
emac0_ace 0x50 32 RW 0x00000033
The EMAC0 ACE-lite control register
emac1_ace 0x54 32 RW 0x00000033
The EMAC1 ACE-lite control register
emac2_ace 0x58 32 RW 0x00000033
The EMAC2 ACE-lite control register
nand_axuser 0x5C 32 RW 0x00000000
The NAND ACE-lite contrl a(w/r)user register
fpgaintf_en_1 0x68 32 RW 0x01010110
FPGA interface Individual Enable Register
fpgaintf_en_2 0x6C 32 RW 0x00000000
FPGA interface Individual Enable Register
fpgaintf_en_3 0x70 32 RW 0x00000000
FPGA interface Individual Enable Register
dma_l3master 0x74 32 RW 0x0000F000
Register for ACE-lite control - dma_l3master
etr_l3master 0x78 32 RW 0x0000F000
Register for ACE-lite control - etr_l3master
sec_ctrl_slt 0x80 32 RO 0x00000001
This is the clock selection register. The APS oscillator selection is read only register. This value is driven from secure manager FS.
osc_trim 0x84 32 RO 0x00000000
This is the osc_trim register to show internal oscillator
ecc_intmask_value 0x90 32 RW 0x00000000
ECC interrupt mask register.
This is a read/write register.
ecc_intmask_set 0x94 32 WO 0x00000000
ECC interrupt mask Set register
ecc_intmask_clr 0x98 32 WO 0x00000000
ECC interrupt mask Clear register
ecc_intstatus_serr 0x9C 32 RO 0x00000000
ECC single bit error status of individual modules.
A write to this register should return an error.
ecc_intstatus_derr 0xA0 32 RO 0x00000000
ECC double bit error status of individual modules.
A write to this register should return an error.
noc_addr_remap 0xB0 32 RW 0x00000000
The noc_addr_repmap register to view the HPS memory map (specifically on-chip RAM)
hmc_clk 0xB4 32 RO 0x0
HMC Clock and IO Lock status indicator
io_pa_ctrl 0xB8 32 RW 0x00000007
HMC clock status indicator
noc_timeout 0xC0 32 RW 0x00000000

noc_idlereq_set 0xC4 32 WO 0x00000000
Set IDLE request to each NOC master.
noc_idlereq_clr 0xC8 32 WO 0x00000000
Clear IDLE request to each NOC master.
noc_idlereq_value 0xCC 32 WO 0x00000000
IDLE request to each NOC master.

This register can be set by writing 1 to the specific bit in noc_idlereq_set register.
This register can be cleared by writing 1 to the specific bit in noc_idlereq_clr register
noc_idleack 0xD0 32 RO 0x00000011
Idle acknowledge value from NOC Masters. This is asserted (value 1 in the field) in response to the IDLE requests asserted by software.
noc_idlestatus 0xD4 32 RO 0x00000011
Status of IDLE from the NOC masters. A 1 in the field means the specific master is idle.
fpga2soc_ctrl 0xD8 32 RW 0x00000001

fpga_config 0xDC 32 RO 0x00000000
FPGA configuration read only register
iocsrclk_gate 0xE0 32 RW 0x00000000
IO Clock control
gpo 0xE4 32 RW 0x00000000
Provides a low-latency, low-performance, and simple way to drive general-purpose signals to the FPGA fabric
gpi 0xE8 32 RO 0x00000000
Provides a low-latency, low-performance, and simple way to read general-purpose signals driven from the FPGA fabric.
mpu 0xF0 32 RW 0x00000000
Provides a low-latency, low-performance, and simple way to read general-purpose signals driven from the FPGA fabric.
sdm_hps_spare 0xF4 32 RW 0x00000000
SDM to HPS spare signals are mapped to a system manager register. PSI side band signals will set these bits and HPS SW will clear this register
hps_sdm_spare 0xF8 32 RW 0x00000000
HPS to SDM spare signals are mapped to a system manager register.
boot_scratch_cold0 0x200 32 RW 0x00000000
Boot scratch register 0
boot_scratch_cold1 0x204 32 RW 0x00000000
Boot scratch register 1
boot_scratch_cold2 0x208 32 RW 0x00000000
Boot scratch register 2
boot_scratch_cold3 0x20C 32 RW 0x00000000
Boot scratch register 3
boot_scratch_cold4 0x210 32 RW 0x00000000
Boot scratch register 4
boot_scratch_cold5 0x214 32 RW 0x00000000
Boot scratch register 5
boot_scratch_cold6 0x218 32 RW 0x00000000
Boot scratch register 6
boot_scratch_cold7 0x21C 32 RW 0x00000000
Boot scratch register 7
boot_scratch_cold8 0x220 32 RW 0x00000000
Boot scratch register 8
boot_scratch_cold9 0x224 32 RW 0x00000000
Boot scratch register 9