Performance Monitor FPGA IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 and Agilex™ 7 FPGAs

ID 817760
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.4.4. Unit Discovery

Table 28.  PMON_UDIS_L: Offset: Block Stride * 8h Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
NumCntr 7:0 RO 8’h8 Number of counter control registers paired with counter data registers in this unit.
UnitCntrCtrlAdr_offset 15:8 RO 8’h10 8b offset from Unit Control Address (PMON_UCADR) to first Counter Control register. (PMON_UCCTRL).
CntrWidth 23:16 RO 8’h30 Number of bits in the counter data register, default 48bit Data Counter register.
UnitCntrDataAdr_offset 31:24 RO 8’h50 8b offset from Unit Control Address (PMON_UCADR) to first Counter Data register (PMON_UCDATA).
Table 29.  PMON_UDIS_H: Offset: (Block Stride * 8h) + 4h Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
UnitStatAdr_offset 7:0 RO 8’h8 8b offset from Unit Control Address (PMON_UCADR) to Unit Status register (PMON_USTS).
Reserved 28:8 RV 21’b0 Reserved
AccessType 31:29 RO 3’b001

Unit State is addressed through

000 – MSR space

001 – MMIO space

010 – PCICFG space
Table 30.  PMON_UCADR_L: Offset: (Block Stride * 8h) + 8h Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
UCAddress_L 31:0 RO 32’h118 Base Address[31:0] to Unit Control and Status Register & Counter Control and Counter Data registers PMON_UCTRL, PMON_USTS, PMON_UCCTRL, PMON_UCDATA.
Table 31.  PMON_UCADR_H: Offset: (Block Stride * 8h) + 0Ch Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
UCAddress_H 31:0 RO 32’b0 Base Address[63:32] to Unit Control and Status Register & Counter Control and Counter Data registers PMON_UCTRL, PMON_USTS, PMON_UCCTRL, PMON_UCDATA.
Table 32.  PMON_UIDT_L: Offset: (Block Stride * 8h) + 10h Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
UnitType 15:0 RO 16’b0

Unit type with which this PMON block is associated.

Each Unit of a Unit Type will have the same events available or capture and same protocol-specific performance monitoring HW available.

0 = AXI-4
UnitID 31:16 RO 16’b0

Which # of Unit Type

For cases where there are more than 1 instance of a particular Unit, this IDs the specific PMON block for the Unit Type. This value is passed in from the Unit ID parameter.
Table 33.  PMON_UIDT_H: Offset: (Block Stride * 8h) + 14h Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
GblStatPosition 15:0 RO 16’b0 16b field to tell SW which bit in the Global Status belongs to this PMON unit block.
Reserved 31:16 RV 16’b0 Reserved