Performance Monitor FPGA IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 and Agilex™ 7 FPGAs

ID 817760
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.4.1. Global Discovery Registers


Table 17.  PMON_GDIS_L: Offset: I_PMON_BAR:0000h Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
UnitType 7:0 RO 8’b0 Global Block Unit Type.
BlockStride 15:8 RO 8’h20

The length of each stride represents the amount of space reserved for each discovery block. From the I_PMON_BAR, base address, SW will need to stride through MaxBlocks-1 times from the base address to identify all discovery state.

Block Stride is counted in 64 bit registers. When parametrized this should be set based on the size of the largest unit monitor (the one with the most counters initialized).
MaxBlocks 25:16 RO 10'h001

Max Blocks

The number of strides (0 for the global discovery node) SW will need to make through the address space to ensure that all the unit discovery state for the domain has been found. This should equal the number of unit monitors.
Reserved 31:26 RV 6’h00 Reserved bits.
Table 18.  PMON_GDIS_H: Offset: I_PMON_BAR:0004h Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
Reserved 28:0 RV 29’b00 Reserved bits.
AccessType 31:29 RO 3’b001

Global State is addressed through

000 – MSR space

001 – MMIO space

010 – PCICFG space

Others - Reserved
Table 19.  PMON_GCADR_L: Offset: I_PMON_BAR:0008h Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
GCAddress_L 31:0 RO 32’h18 Base Address[31:0] to Global Control and Status Register – I_PMON_GCTRL, I_PMON_GSTS
Table 20.  PMON_GCADR_H: Offset: I_PMON_BAR:000Ch Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
GCAddress_H 31:0 RO 32’b0 Base Address[63:32] to Global Control and Status Register – I_PMON_GCTRL, I_PMON_GSTS
Table 21.  I_PMON_GSOFF_L: Offset: I_PMON_BAR:0010h Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
GblStatAdr_offset 7:0 RO 8’h08 Global Counter Status Address. 8b offset from the Global Control Address (I_PMON_GCADR) to the global counter status register (I_PMON_GSTS).
NumBlockStatus 23:8 RO 16’b0 Status bits allocated to track overflows. For cases there are more than 64 status bits, SW should divide this value by 64 to calculate the number of contiguously addressed counter status registers.
Reserved 31:24 RV 8’b0 Reserved.
Table 22.  I_PMON_GSOFF_H: Offset: I_PMON_BAR:0014h Size 32
Field Bit Attribute Default Description
Reserved 31:0 RV 32’b0 Reserved.