5.3. AXI4-Lite Interface Signals
This interface is optional and is not available if you set the Remote JTAG parameter to True.
Port Name | Width | Direction | Description |
sink_axi4lite_awaddr | 20 | Input | Write Address. |
sink_axi4lite_awprot | 3 | Input | Protection type. This signal indicates the privilege and security level of the transaction, and whether the transaction is a data access or an instruction access. |
sink_axi4lite_awvalid | 1 | Input | Write Address Channel Valid. This signal indicates that valid write address and control information are available. |
sink_axi4lite_awready | 1 | Output | Write Address Channel Ready. This signal indicates that the subordinate is ready to accept an address and associated control signals. |
sink_axi4lite_wdata | 32 | Input | Write Data. |
sink_axi4lite_wstrb | 4 | Input | Write Strobes (Byte Enables). |
sink_axi4lite_wvalid | 1 | Input | Write Channel Valid. This signal indicates that valid write data and strobes are available. |
sink_axi4lite_wready | 1 | Output | Write Channel Ready. This signal indicates that the subordinate can accept the write data. |
sink_axi4lite_bresp | 2 | Output | Write Response. This signal indicates the result of the Write command. |
sink_axi4lite_bvalid | 1 | Output | Write Response Channel Valid. This signal indicates that a valid write response is available. |
sink_axi4lite_bready | 1 | Input | Write Response Channel Ready. This signal indicates that the manager can accept a write response. |
sink_axi4lite_araddr | 20 | Input | Read address. |
sink_axi4lite_arprot | 3 | Input | Protection Type. This signal indicates the privilege and security level of the transaction, and whether the transaction is a data access or an instruction access. |
sink_axi4lite_arvalid | 1 | Input | Read Address Valid. This signal indicates that valid read address and control information are available. |
sink_axi4lite_arready | 1 | Output | Read Address Ready. This signal indicates that the subordinate is ready to accept an address and associated control signals. |
sink_axi4lite_rdata | 32 | Output | Read data. |
sink_axi4lite_rresp | 2 | Output | Read response. This signal indicates the status of the read transfer. |
sink_axi4lite_rvalid | 1 | Output | Read Valid. This signal indicates that a valid read response is available. |
sink_axi4lite_rready | 1 | Input | Read Response Channel Ready. This signal indicates that the manager can accept the read data and response information. |