Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 11/27/2024

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Document Table of Contents Packet Probes

Packet probes perform both packet tracing and statistic collection for bus traffic passing through the packet probe point or “link”.

Tracing can be fine-tuned through a filter or a combination of filters. Packets matching filter criteria are sent to the observer (to be forwarded to the ATB bus). Trace alarms can also be raised when packets match filter criterias. Trace alarms are software-readable registers on the NOC.

Collect statistics by setting up counters that track the number of packets matching a criteria going through a link. Set alarms to notify when statistic counts hit certain levels.

The read and write packet probes include a timestamp of 48-bits so that the trace packets can be correlated in time.

Packet probes include cross trigger inputs and outputs of the NOC to:

  • NOC Probe Cross Trigger Outputs
    • Indicate a packet filter match occurred.
    • Indicate a statistics alarm event occurred.
  • NOC Probe Cross Trigger Inputs
    • Enable a packet probe.
    • Take a statistics snapshot (dump frame, clear counters, resume).

The packet probes use CoreSight invasive debug enable signals (SPIDEN, SPNIDEN, and NIDEN) which are configured within the SDM to control the filtering settings to enable non-invasive trace, non-secure packettrace, and secure packets trace.