AN 985: Nios® V Processor Tutorial

ID 784468
Date 7/24/2024
Document Table of Contents Creating a New Project

Start developing the Nios® V processor system by creating a new Quartus® Prime software project.
  1. Launch Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.
  2. Click New Project Wizard to create a new project.
    Figure 23. New Project Wizard
  3. Read the Introduction and click Next to proceed.
    Figure 24. New Project Wizard — Introduction
  4. In Directory, Name, Top-Level Entity window,
    1. Select Empty project.
      Figure 25. Selecting Project Settings
    2. Enter your working directory, define the name of the project, and enter the top-level design entity as niosv_top. Click Next to proceed.
      Figure 26. Specifying the Properties of the Project
    3. Filter Device Name as AGFB014R24B2E2V which is for Agilex™ 7 FPGA F-Series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit.
      Figure 27. Device Tab
    4. Click Next to proceed.
  5. In Add Files window, leave it empty and click Next to proceed.
    Figure 28. Add Files Window
  6. In EDA Tool Settings windows, select Questa Intel FPGA. The selection is for simulation in the topic Simulating the Nios® V Processor.
    Figure 29. EDA Tool Settings
  7. Click Next to review the summary of the new project. Then click Finish.
    Figure 30. Summary