AN 985: Nios® V Processor Tutorial

ID 784468
Date 7/24/2024
Document Table of Contents Configuration and Power Management Assignments

  1. In Quartus® Prime software, navigate to Assignments menu bar and click Device > Device and Pin Options.
  2. Navigate to Configuration category.
  3. Select VID mode of operation as PMBus Master.
  4. Click Configuration Pin Options, and configure the following Configuration pin assignments,
    • PWRMGT_SDA as SDM_IO12
    • CONF_DONE as SDM_IO16
    • Leave the rest empty
  5. Navigate to Power Management & VID category, and configure the following settings:
    • Bus speed mode as 100 kHz
    • Slave device type as Other
    • PMBus device 0 slave address as 42
    • Voltage output format as Linear format
    • Linear format N as -13
    • Translated voltage value unit as Volts
    • Turn off PAGE command
  6. Click OK and return to the project front page.