Visible to Intel only — GUID: nqu1687787936866
1. Overview
2. Getting Started
3. Development Kit Setup
4. Board Test System
5. Development Kit Hardware and Configuration
6. Custom Projects for the Development Kit
7. Document Revision History for the Agilex™ 7 FPGA M-Series HBM2e Development Kit User Guide
A. Development Kit Components
B. Developer Resources
C. Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information
Visible to Intel only — GUID: nqu1687787936866
5.1. Configure FPGA and Access HPS Debug Access Port by JTAG
- JTAG access does not rely on switch S24 settings and system image.
- Plug the USB cable to J1 or Intel® FPGA Download Cable to J7 (set S26 on).
- Open the Quartus® Prime Programmer to configure the Agilex™ 7 FPGA
- Open Arm* Development Studio 5* (DS-5*) Intel SoC FPGA Edition to connect to and communicate with the HPS Debug Access Port (DAP) through the same JTAG interface.