Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Generation of PR Debug Infrastructure

During compilation, the synthesis engine performs the following functions:

  • Generates a main JTAG hub in the static region.
  • If the static region contains Signal Tap instances, connects those instances to the main JTAG hub.
  • Detects bridge agent and bridge host instances.
  • Connects the SLD JTAG bridge agent instances to the main JTAG hub.
  • For each bridge host instance in a PR region that contains a Signal Tap instance:
    • Generates a PR JTAG hub in the PR region.
    • Connects all Signal Tap instances in the PR region to the PR JTAG hub.
    • Detects instance of the SLD JTAG bridge host.
    • Connects the PR JTAG hub to the JTAG bridge host.