Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

7.2.1. Customizing System Console Startup

You can customize your System Console startup environment, as follows:
  • Add commands to the system_console_rc configuration file located at:
    • <$HOME>/system_console/system_console_rc.tcl
    The file in this location is the user configuration file, which only affects the owner of the home directory.
  • Specify your own design startup configuration file with the command-line argument --rc_script=<path_to_script> , when you launch System Console from the Nios® II command shell.
  • Use the system_console_rc.tcl file in combination with your custom rc_script.tcl file. In this case, the system_console_rc.tcl file performs System Console actions, and the rc_script.tcl file performs your debugging actions.

On startup, System Console automatically runs the Tcl commands in these files. The commands in the system_console_rc.tcl file run first, followed by the commands in the rc_script.tcl file.