Intel® Stratix® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit User Guide

ID 683674
Date 4/02/2020
Document Table of Contents

4.6.7. DisplayPort

The Intel® Stratix® 10 GX FPGA development board includes a Mini-DisplayPort connector.
Table 26.  Mini-DisplayPort Schematic Signal Names and Functions
Board Reference Schematic Signal Name FPGA Pin Number I/O Standard Description
J12.4 DP_3p3V_CONFIG1 AN26 1.8V
J12.6 DP_3p3V_CONFIG2 AP26 1.8V
J12.2 DP_3p3V_HOT_PLUG AU27 1.8V Hot plug detect
J12.18 DP_AUX_CN AN25 LVDS Auxiliary channel (negative)
J12.16 DP_AUX_CP AP25 LVDS Auxiliary channel (positive)
J12.5 DP_ML_LANE_CN0 AK48 1.4V PCML Lane 0 (negative)
J12.11 DP_ML_LANE_CN1 AL46 1.4V PCML Lane 1 (negative)
J12.17 DP_ML_LANE_CN2 AH48 1.4V PCML Lane 2 (negative)
J12.12 DP_ML_LANE_CN3 AJ46 1.4V PCML Lane 3 (negative)
J12.3 DP_ML_LANE_CP0 AK49 1.4V PCML Lane 0 (positive)
J12.9 DP_ML_LANE_CP1 AL47 1.4V PCML Lane 1 (positive)
J12.15 DP_ML_LANE_CP2 AH49 1.4V PCML Lane 2 (positive)
J12.10 DP_ML_LANE_CP3 AJ47 1.4V PCML Lane 3 (positive)