Agilex™ 7 Power Management User Guide

ID 683373
Date 2/04/2025
Document Table of Contents Sending Commands to the Temperature Reading Design Example

Before you begin, program the .sof of the Temperature Reading design example into the Agilex™ 7 FPGA F-Series Development Kit.
  1. From the Quartus® Prime menu, select Tools > System Debugging Tools > System Console.
  2. In the System Console window, click inside the TCL Console tab.
  3. Enter the following command: source main.tcl
    The console loads the main.tcl script.
  4. Enter a supported command in the System Console, for example, get_temperature_5.
    Refer to the related information for the commands supported by the main.tcl script.
Figure 15. Running a Command Routine in the System Console

The System Console displays the results after the command. The first element of the results represents the header of the Mailbox Client with Avalon® Streaming Interface IP response.

The header shows the executed command routine number, the number of expected argument for the command, and an error code if there is an error with the request. In the example, get_temperature_5 is routine number seven (07), it expects one (01) argument, and there is no error.

Note: The System Console does not allow you to run another command routine until it has received a response from the Mailbox Client with Avalon® Streaming Interface IP.