Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 7/13/2023

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Updates a graph vector with the data in the dense format.


mkl_graph_status_t mkl_graph_vector_set_dense (mkl_graph_vector_t v, int64_t dim, void *values, mkl_graph_type_t values_type);

Include Files

  • mkl_graph.h


The mkl_graph_vector_set_dense routine updates a graph vector v with data in a dense format (an array which stores all elements of the vector). All arguments except the input graph vector v and the number of elements dim are optional and are not used if they are not set. If a NULL pointer is passed for values, both values and values_type will be ignored.

The library assumes any buffers passed as arguments to mkl_graph_?_set_? routines persist for the life of the input graph object or until the next call to an mkl_graph_?_set_? routine for an existing format. Calling a set routine on an existing format resets the data of the graph object to the new data. After destroying the graph object or resetting its data, you can safely deallocate data used as input to an mkl_graph_?_set_? routine. Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) never deallocates user-allocated memory.


The input graph vector must be properly created via a call to mkl_graph_vector_create before calling mkl_graph_vector_set_dense.


If the vector already has the specified format on entry to the routine, the existing data is replaced by the new data.

Input Parameters


A graph vector to be modified.


Number of elements in the vector v.


A pointer to the start of the values array. The array must be of length at least dim. The array must contain values for all elements in the vector v. Type of the array elements is derived from the values_type argument. Ignored if NULL.


Type of the elements of the values array. Refer to Graph API Glossary for a list of possible options. Ignored if NULL is passed for values.

Output Parameters


A graph vector with the updated data in a dense format.

Return Values

The function returns a value indicating whether the operation was successful or not and why. Refer to Graph API Glossary for a list of possible options.

Product and Performance Information

Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors. Learn more at

Notice revision #20201201