User Guide

Intel® VTune™ Profiler User Guide

ID 766319
Date 12/16/2022

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Document Table of Contents

Window: Summary - Hardware Events

Use the Summary window as your starting point of the performance analysis with the Intel VTune Profiler. To access this window, select the Hardware Events viewpoint and click the Summary sub-tab in the result tab.

The Hardware Events viewpoint is enabled for all hardware event-based sampling results and is targeted primarily for the analysis of monitored hardware events: estimated count and/or the number of samples collected. In the Summary window, explore the following data:


You may click the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the content of the selected summary section to the clipboard.

Analysis Metrics

The Summary window displays a list of CPU metrics that help you estimate an overall application execution. For a metric description, hover over the corresponding question mark icon to read the pop-up help.

Use the Elapsed Time metric as your primary indicator and a baseline for comparison of results before and after optimization. Note that for multithreaded applications, the CPU Time is different from the Elapsed Time since the CPU Time is the sum of CPU time for all application threads.

Hardware Events

This section provides a list of hardware events monitored for this analysis and the statistics collected:

Hardware Event Type

Event name provided as a hyperlink. Clicking an event name opens the Event Count window sorted by the selected event. You can identify a function with the highest event/sample count and double-click it to open the Source view and identify which code line generated the highest count for the event of interest.

Hardware Event Count

Estimated number of times this event occurred during the collection.

Hardware Event Sample Count

Actual number of samples collected for this event.

Events per Sample

Number of events collected at one sample (Sample After Value).

Uncore Event Count

This section provides a list of uncore hardware events monitored for this analysis and the statistics collected:

Uncore Event Type

Event name provided as a hyperlink. Clicking an event name opens the Uncore Event Count window sorted by the selected event.

Uncore Event Count

The number of times this uncore event occurred during the collection.

Top Tasks

This section provides a list of tasks that took most of the time to execute, where tasks are either code regions marked with Task API, or system tasks enabled to monitor Ftrace* events, Atrace* events, Intel Media SDK programs, OpenCL™ kernels, and so on.

Clicking a task type in the table opens the grid view (for example, Bottom-up or Event Count) grouped by the Task Type granularity. See Task Analysis for more information.

Collection and Platform Info

This section provides the following data:

Application Command Line

Path to the target application.

Operating System

Operating system used for the collection.

Computer Name

Name of the computer used for the collection.

Result Size

Size of the result collected by the VTune Profiler.

Collection start time

Start time (in UTC format) of the external collection. Explore the Timeline pane to track the performance statistics provided by the custom collector over time.