User Guide

Intel® VTune™ Profiler User Guide

ID 766319
Date 12/16/2022

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anomaly-detection Command Line Analysis

Use Anomaly Detection to identify performance anomalies in frequently recurring intervals of code like loop iterations. Perform fine-grained analysis at the microsecond level.


This is a PREVIEW FEATURE. A preview feature may or may not appear in a future production release. It is available for your use in the hopes that you will provide feedback on its usefulness and help determine its future. Data collected with a preview feature is not guaranteed to be backward compatible with future releases.


vtune -collect anomaly-detection [-knob <knobName=knobValue>] [--] <target>


  • ipt-regions-to-load

    Specify the maximum number (10-5000) of code regions to load for detailed analysis. To load details efficiently, maintain this number at or below 1000.

    Default value : 1000

    Range : 10-5000

  • max-region-duration

    Specify the maximum duration (0.001-1000ms) of analysis per code region.

    Default value : 100 ms

    Range : 0.001-1000ms


For the most current information on available knobs (configuration options) for Anomaly Detection analysis, enter:

vtune -help collect anomaly-detection


This example shows how to run Anomaly Detection analysis on a sample application called myApplication. The analysis runs over 1000 code regions, analyzing each region for 300 ms.

vtune -collect anomaly-detection -knob ipt-regions-to-load=1000 -knob max-region-duration=300 -- /home/test/myApplication

If you want to transfer the collected data to a different system for analysis, you must archive the result by moving all related binaries to the result folder. After Anomaly Detection analysis completes, run this command:

vtune -archive -r <location_of_result>

What's Next

When the data collection is complete, do one of the following to view the result: