User Guide

Intel® VTune™ Profiler User Guide

ID 766319
Date 12/16/2022

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Document Table of Contents

Context Menus: Source/Assembly Window

Manage the data in the Source/Assembly panes using one of the following mechanisms:

  • Right-click the source/assembly code column to access the code column context menu.

  • Right-click a data column with numeric data (for example, CPU Time) to access the data column context menu.

The following context menu options are available:

Use This

To Do This

Edit Source

Launch the source file editor. This option is only available for the Source pane.

Instruction Reference

Open the Reference help system for particular assembly instruction. This option is only available for the Assembly pane.

What's This Column?

Open a help topic for the selected performance metric column.

Show Data As

Specify the format to display the collected data. You can view the data as:

  • Time

  • Percent

  • Bar

  • Time and Bar

  • Percent and Bar

This option is only available for columns displaying numeric data.

Hide Column

Hide the selected column.

This option is only available for columns displaying numeric data.