User Guide

Intel® VTune™ Profiler User Guide

ID 766319
Date 12/16/2022

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Toolbar: Source/Assembly

Use the Source/Assembly toolbar to navigate between the most performance-critical code sections (hotspots). In the Source pane, you can navigate between source code lines, in the Assembly pane you can navigate between assembly instructions.

Use This

To Do This

Source button

Toggle the Source pane on/off. This button is enabled only when both source and assembly code is available.

Assembly button

Toggle the Assembly pane on/off. This button is enabled only when both source and assembly code is available.

Vertical Mode button

Tile the Source and Assembly panes vertically.

Horizontal Mode button

Tile the Source and Assembly panes horizontally.

Go to Biggest Function Hotspot button

Go to the code line that has the biggest hotspot navigation metric value in the selected function.


To select a hotspot navigation metric, right-click the required metric column in the Source view and select Use for Hotspot Navigation.