Visible to Intel only — GUID: krq1724038426500
A.2.2.1. Programming quad SPI Flash Using the Quartus® Prime Programmer
Although the quad SPI flash is not programmed by factory default, you can program this device using quartus_hps.exe that resides in the quartus/bin directory.
- To use this tool, open a command window and change directories to your 22.1std or later installation (for example, c:\intelFPGA\22.1std\quartus\bin ).
- To program an entire file to quad SPI flash starting at address 0, type the following command:
quartus_hps.exe -c <programming cable index> -o P <flash_boot_image.bin>
- For a typical setup, where the Cyclone® V SoC board is the only board connected to the PC, you can detect the quad SPI flash. To do so, run the following command:
quartus_hps.exe -o 1 -c1 <enter>
- Using this tool requires that the board be placed into quad SPI boot mode. To do, set BOOTSEL1 (J29) shunt to the 1-2 position. The default position is 2-3 (SD card). You must power cycle the board after changing this jumper for the settings to take effect.
- For help and more options, type the following command:
quartus_hps.exe --help
For more information, refer to the SoC Board QSPI Boot page on
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