Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit User Guide

ID 830285
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

A.2.1.3. Converting .sof Files to a .pof

To generate a flash programming file, you must open the Quartus® Prime software and convert the .sof files to .pof.

To convert the files, follow these steps:

  1. On the File menu, click Convert Programming Files.
  2. For Programming file type, specify Programmer Object File (.pof) and name the file.
  3. For Configuration device, select CFI_512Mb for this kit's CFI device.
  4. To add the configuration data, under Input files to convert, select SOF Data.
  5. Click Add File and browse to the .sof files you want to add.
    If you want to store the data from other .sof files in a different page, click Add SOF page. Add the .sof files to the new page
  6. Select SOF Data and click Properties to set the page number and name.
  7. Under Address mode for selected pages, choose the User Hardware 1 offset as listed in the memory map in the Byte Address Flash Memory Map table in the Appendix—CFI Flash Memory Map section as 0x006E.0000.