Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit User Guide

ID 830285
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

A.2.1.1. CFI Flash Memory Map

Table 13.  Byte Address Flash Memory MapThis table shows the default memory contents of the 512 Mb CFI flash device.
Address Range KB Size Block Description
0x0145.635C – 03FF.FFFF 44,711 Unused
0x00DA.0000 – 0145.635B 6,872 User hardware 2
0x006E.0000 – 00D9.635B 6,872 User hardware 1
0x0002.0000 – 006D.635B 6,872 Factory hardware
0x0001.8000 – 0001.8080 32 PFL option bits
Altera recommends that you do not overwrite the factory hardware images unless you are an expert with Altera® tools. If you unintentionally overwrite the factory hardware or factory software image, refer to the Restoring the CFI Flash Device to the Factory Defaults section.