Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit User Guide

ID 830285
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.1. Connecting to the Board Update Portal Web Page

Ensure that you have the following setup or installed:
  • A PC with a connection to a working Ethernet port on a DHCP enabled network.
  • A separate working Ethernet port connected to the same network for the board.
  • The Ethernet and power cables that are included in the kit.

To connect to the Board Update Portal web page, perform these steps:

  1. Keep the CSEL and BSEL jumpers and the DIP switch SW2.3 in the factory default positions.
  2. Change J26 as Short1-2 and set SW as follows:
    • SW1: ALL OFF
    • SW2: ALL OFF
    • SW4: OFF-OFF-ON-ON
  3. Download image to SD card and insert SD card to J3.
  4. Connect J8 to your computer and power up the board.
  5. Install the USB virtual COM port drivers to access the Linux system through a terminal window.
  6. Type ifconfig to get the IP address as root.
    For more information, refer to the Cyclone® V SOC GSRD page on
    Attention: There are several reasons why your board may fail to get and IP address in this step:
    • Your port is not active or the cable is not plugged in.
    • You do not have a DHCP server.
    • Your DHCP server ran out of addresses.
    • Your DHCP server was not allowed to respond to the board due to security filters, such as MAC address filtering.
  7. Launch a web browser on a PC that is connected to the same network, and enter the IP address from the LCD into the browser address bar. The Board Update Portal web page appears in the browser.
    Attention: You can click Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit on the Board Update Portal web page to access the kit's home page for documentation updates and additional new designs.

    You can also navigate directly to the Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit webpage of the Intel website to determine if you have the latest kit software.