Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit User Guide

ID 830285
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.2. Factory Default Switch and Jumper Settings

Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit (Power Solution 2) and Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit (Power Solution 1) ship with their board switches preconfigured to support the design examples in the development kits. If you suspect your board might not be correctly configured with the default settings, follow the instructions in the next sections to return to their factory default settings before proceeding ahead.
Attention: The SD card, MAX® V system controller, and common flash interface (CFI) flash are already programmed with the factory default files. For more information, refer to the Appendix A—Programming Flash Memory section.
For more information about the FPGA board settings, refer to the Cyclone® V SoC Development Board Reference Manual .