Visible to Intel only — GUID: jkx1699469684204
2. Getting Started
3. GTS CPRI PHY IP Parameter Settings
4. Functional Description
5. Interface Signals
6. GTS CPRI PHY IP Registers
7. GTS CPRI PHY IP Troubleshooting
8. GTS CPRI PHY Intel FPGA IP User Guide Archives
9. Document Revision History for the GTS CPRI PHY Intel FPGA IP User Guide
5.1. GTS CPRI PHY IP Clock Signals
5.2. GTS CPRI PHY IP Reset Signals
5.3. GTS CPRI PHY IP TX MII (64b/66b)
5.4. GTS CPRI PHY IP RX MII (64b/66b)
5.5. GTS CPRI PHY IP Status Interface for 64b/66b Line Rate
5.6. GTS CPRI PHY IP TX Interface (8b/10b)
5.7. GTS CPRI PHY IP RX Interface (8b/10b)
5.8. GTS CPRI PHY IP Status Interface for 8b/10b Line Rate
5.9. GTS CPRI PHY IP Serial Interface
5.10. GTS CPRI PHY Reconfiguration Interface
5.11. GTS CPRI PHY IP Datapath and PMA Avalon Memory-Mapped Interface
Visible to Intel only — GUID: jkx1699469684204
2.1. Installing and Licensing Intel® FPGA IPs
The Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software installation includes the Intel® FPGA IP library. This library provides many useful IP for your production use without the need for an additional license. Some Intel® FPGA IP cores require purchase of a separate license for production use. The Intel® FPGA IP Evaluation Mode allows you to evaluate these licensed Intel® FPGA IP in simulation and hardware, before deciding to purchase a full production IP license. You only need to purchase a full production license for licensed Intel® IP after you complete hardware testing and are ready to use the IP in production.
The Quartus® Prime software installs IP in the following locations by default:
Figure 1. IP Core Installation Path
Location | Software | Platform |
<drive>:\intelFPGA_pro\quartus\ip\altera | Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software | Windows* |
<home directory>:/intelFPGA_pro/quartus/ip/altera | Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software | Linux* |