Low Latency Ethernet 10G MAC Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 813665
Date 10/07/2024

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3.5.1. Test Procedure

Follow these steps to test the design examples in hardware:

  1. Click Tools > System Debugging Tools > System Console or run command: system-console &.
  2. Navigate to the hardware design directory: <design_example>/LL10G_1G_SM_1588v2/hwtesting/system_console.
  3. Run the following command in the System Console:
    1. source main.tcl
    2. set_jtag <select_appropriate_jtag_master>
    Note: The set_jtag command places the Agilex™ 5 device on the JTAG chain.
  4. Run the following commands in the system console to start the test:

    TEST_1588 <from_channel> <to_channel> <speed>

    Example: TEST_1588 0 0 1G

    Table 11.  Command Parameters
    Parameter Valid Values Description
    channel 0 The channel number to test.
    speed 1G The PHY speed.
    1. You must connect the external loopback module to the desired QSFP1 port before running the test.
    2. Burst size is random.
    3. Single channel is supported.
  5. The following sample output illustrate a successful hardware test run:
    Figure 15. Sample Test Output