AN 995: Three-phase Boost Bidirectional AC-DC and LLC DC-DC Converter for EV Charging Design Example

ID 784593
Date 9/15/2023
Document Table of Contents

2.6.2. Generating HDL and QPF Using MATLAB GUI Tools

You generate an Intel® Quartus® Prime software project and VHDL code for the fixed-point model in the bidir_rectifier_dcdc.slx file for the Three-phase Boost Bidirectional AC-DC and LLC DC-DC Converter for EV Charging design.
  1. Open the MATLAB model in the matlab/Simulink/bidir_rectifier.slx directory. The MATLAB and Simulink window opens.
  2. In the MATLAB interface, select the parameters.m file and click Run. This sets some necessary variables to synthesize the model.
  3. Launch the Simulink window where you can see the synthesized model that generates an Intel® Quartus® Prime software project and VHDL code (bidir_rectifier_dcdc_fixed).
  4. In the Simulink window, navigate to the HDL CODE tab and click Workflow Advisor. Ignore the warning of a missing ./top.vhd.
    Figure 9. Workflow Advisor and Simulink GUI
  5. Expand the HDL Workflow Advisor tasks menu in the left-hand pane.
  6. Select 1.1 Set Target Device and Synthesis Tool to configure the target FPGA device and either:
    • For Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Development Kit: select the value for Family as MAX 10 and Device as 10M50DAF484C6GES.
    • For Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit: select the value for Family as Cyclone V and Device as 5CSXFC6D6F31C6.
  7. Change the Project folder to a desired project location and name.
  8. In the left-hand pane, select 4.1 Create Project.
  9. For Additional source files, select either:
    • For Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Development Kit: <local_path>/M10/top.vhd
    • For Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit: <local_path>/C5/top.vhd
  10. For Additional project creation Tcl files, select either:
    • For Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Development Kit: <local>/matlab/Simulink/m10/add_to_project.tcl
    • For Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit: <local>/matlab/Simulink/c5/add_to_project.tcl
  11. Run the tasks by clicking Run This Task.
    Figure 10. Running tasks in HDL Workflow Advisor
  12. Navigate to the project directory that you selected in step 4. The newly created Intel® Quartus® Prime software project is in the quartus_prj directory and the generated VHDL code for the Simulink model is located in the hdlsrc directory.
  13. Navigate to the quartus_prj directory and open the bidir_rectifier_dcdc_fixed_quartus.qpf file with the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.
  14. Compile the design, generate a .sof file, and program your board as described in Programming the Board with the Design .
  15. Use Signal Tap logic analyzer to view the waveforms created by the generated VHDL code programmed in your board.