Visible to Intel only — GUID: gwz1659548949693
1. About the External Memory Interfaces Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA IP
2. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – Introduction
3. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – Product Architecture
4. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – End-User Signals
5. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – Simulating Memory IP
6. Intel Agilex 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – DDR4 Support
7. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – DDR5 Support
8. Intel Agilex 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – LPDDR5 Support
9. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – Timing Closure
10. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – Controller Optimization
11. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – Debugging
12. Document Revision History for External Memory Interfaces Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA IP User Guide
3.1.1. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series EMIF Architecture: I/O Subsystem
3.1.2. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series EMIF Architecture: I/O SSM
3.1.3. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series EMIF Architecture: I/O Bank
3.1.4. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series EMIF Architecture: I/O Lane
3.1.5. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series EMIF Architecture: Input DQS Clock Tree
3.1.6. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series EMIF Architecture: PHY Clock Tree
3.1.7. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series EMIF Architecture: PLL Reference Clock Networks
3.1.8. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series EMIF Architecture: Clock Phase Alignment
3.1.9. User Clock in Different Core Access Modes
4.2.1. ref_clk for EMIF
4.2.2. core_init_n for EMIF
4.2.3. usr_async_clk for EMIF
4.2.4. usr_clk for EMIF
4.2.5. usr_rst_n for EMIF
4.2.6. s0_axi4 for EMIF
4.2.7. mem for EMIF
4.2.8. i3c for EMIF
4.2.9. mem_lbd for EMIF
4.2.10. mem_lbs for EMIF
4.2.11. oct for EMIF
4.2.12. s0_axi4lite_clk for EMIF
4.2.13. s0_axi4lite_rst_n for EMIF
4.2.14. s0_axi4lite for EMIF Address and Command Pin Placement for DDR4 DDR4 Data Width Mapping General Guidelines - DDR4 x4 DIMM Implementation Specific Pin Connection Requirements Command and Address Signals Clock Signals Data, Data Strobes, DM/DBI, and Optional ECC Signals Single Rank x 8 Discrete (Component) Topology Single Rank x 16 Discrete (Component) Topology ADDR/CMD Reference Voltage/RESET Signal Routing Guidelines for Single Rank x 8 and Single Rank x 16 Discrete (Component) Topologies Skew Matching Guidelines for DDR4 Discrete Configurations Power Delivery Recommendations for DDR4 Discrete Configurations Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series EMIF Pin Swapping Guidelines
7.2.1. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP Interface Pins
7.2.2. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP Resources
7.2.3. Pin Guidelines for Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP
7.2.4. Pin Placements for Intel Agilex 7 M-Series FPGA DDR5 EMIF IP
7.2.5. Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series EMIF Pin Swapping Guidelines
7.3.1. PCB Stack-up and Design Considerations
7.3.2. General Design Considerations
7.3.3. DDR Differential Signals Routing
7.3.4. Ground Plane and Return Path
7.3.5. RDIMM, UDIMM, and SODIMM Break-in Layout Guidelines
7.3.6. DRAM Break-in Layout Guidelines
7.3.7. DDR5 PCB Layout Guidelines
7.3.8. DDR5 Simulation Strategy DDR5 Discrete Component/Memory Down Topology: up to 40-Bit Interface (1 Rank x8 or x16, 2 Rank x8 or x16) Routing Guidelines for DDR5 Memory Down: 1 Rank or 2 Rank (x8 bit or x16 bit) Configurations Routing Guidelines for DDR5 RDIMM, UDIMM, SODIMM and LRDIMM Configurations Example of a DDR5 layout on Intel FPGA Platform Board
11.1. Interface Configuration Performance Issues
11.2. Functional Issue Evaluation
11.3. Timing Issue Characteristics
11.4. Verifying Memory IP Using the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer
11.5. Generating Traffic with the Test Engine IP
11.6. Guidelines for Developing HDL for Traffic Generator
11.7. Debugging with the External Memory Interface Debug Toolkit
Visible to Intel only — GUID: gwz1659548949693
6. Intel Agilex 7 M-Series FPGA EMIF IP – DDR4 Support
This chapter contains IP parameter descriptions, pin planning information, and board design guidelines for Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA external memory interface IP for DDR4.