AN 812: Platform Designer System Design Tutorial

ID 683855
Date 4/02/2018
Document Table of Contents

Download and Install the Tutorial Design Files

  1. On the Platform Designer Tutorial Design Example page, under Using this Design Example, click Platform Designer Tutorial Design Example (.zip) to download and install the tutorial design files for the Platform Designer tutorial.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive file to a directory on your computer. Do not use spaces in the directory path name.

The contains the following project files and is referred to as <project folder> in the rest of the document.

Table 1.  Qsys Pro Design Tutorial Project Files
Folder Structure Description
/complete_design The final design. You can use this design as a reference and guidance while you follow the tutorial. You may also use the prebuilt systems in it if you want to skip certain steps of this tutorial.
/ip The folder that stores IP component source files. The pattern_checker_system and pattern_generator_system are pre-generated for you.
/memory_tester_ip The folder that contains source files for all custom components.
/software This folder contains source code for building Nios® II software applications and two scripts that automate this process for you.
A10.qpf An Intel® Quartus® Prime Project file (.qpf).
A10.qsf An Intel® Quartus® Prime Settings file (.qsf), containing pre-defined pin assignments.
memory_tester_search_path.ipx IP Index file (.ipx) that specifies the path to the source files of the custom components.
memory_tester_subsystem_bb.ipxact The .ipxact file that defines the interfaces for your generic component.
my_constraints.sdc A Synopsys Design Constraints, or SDC, file (.sdc) containing timing constraints.
pattern_checker_system.qsys Pre-built Platform Designer System file (.qsys).
pattern_generator_system.qsys Pre-built Platform Designer System file (.qsys).
top_level.v Top-level Verilog Design file (.v) .