Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX Device Datasheet

ID 683828
Date 2/14/2022
Document Table of Contents

Remote System Upgrades

Table 56.  Remote System Upgrade Circuitry Timing Specifications for Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
Parameter Minimum Maximum Unit
fMAX_RU_CLK 87 40 MHz
tRU_nCONFIG 88 250 ns
tRU_nRSTIMER 89 250 ns
87 This clock is user-supplied to the remote system upgrade circuitry. If you are using the Remote Update Intel® FPGA IP core, the clock user-supplied to the Remote Update Intel® FPGA IP core must meet this specification.
88 This is equivalent to strobing the reconfiguration input of the Remote Update Intel® FPGA IP core high for the minimum timing specification.
89 This is equivalent to strobing the reset_timer input of the Remote Update Intel® FPGA IP core high for the minimum timing specification.