MAX® 10 General Purpose I/O User Guide

ID 683751
Date 3/17/2025
Document Table of Contents

3.6.1. Calculating the Total Inductance for 1.0 V Pin Placement

You can calculate the total inductance of the surrounding pins by using mutual inductance values in the file.
  1. Download the file and extract the relevant mutual inductance spreadsheet for your device.
  2. In the mutual inductance spreadsheet, identify the pins in use.
  3. Calculate the total mutual inductance of the pin and surrounding pins in use to ensure that the placement adheres to the 1.0 V pin placement guideline.
  4. If the total inductance is above the guideline restriction, update your design to use other I/O pins that contribute less mutual inductance.

Total Mutual Inductance Calculation

Table 18.  Total Mutual Inductance ExamplesThe examples in this table refer to Table 16 and Table 19.
Example Condition Type Example Result
Pin F5 is assigned with the 1 V I/O standard. The surrounding pins, F4, H3, and H4 are in the same I/O bank and are also assigned with the 1.0 V I/O standard. Intrabank, all 1.0 V Total Lm of F4, H3, and H4 does not exceed 7.4 nH. The placement does not violate the restriction.
Pin F5 is assigned with the 1 V I/O standard. The surrounding pins, F4, H3, and H4 are in an adjacent I/O bank and are assigned with the 1.0 V I/O standard. Interbank, all 1.0 V Total Lm of F4, H3, and H4 does not exceed 7.4 nH. The placement does not violate the restriction.
Pin F5 is assigned with the 1 V I/O standard. The surrounding pins, F4, H3, and H4 are in an adjacent I/O bank and are assigned with the 2.5 V I/O standard. Interbank, mixed voltages Total Lm of F4, H3, and H4 exceeds 1.0 nH. Update your design to use other I/O pins with smaller mutual inductance.
Table 19.  Example Mutual Inductance Values
Pin Name Mutual Coupling Pin Mutual Inductance (nH)
F5 F5 3.496 15
F5 F4 1.378
F5 H3 0.273
F5 J4 0.263
F5 K4 0.222
F5 E4 0.194
F5 F3 0.176
F5 H4 0.175
F5 E3 0.174
F5 G3 0.167
F5 G4 0.161
15 Self inductance for pin F5. Omit this value from the Lm calculation.