MAX® 10 General Purpose I/O User Guide

ID 683751
Date 3/17/2025
Document Table of Contents

4.3.2. GPIO SSO Estimator Tool for MAX® 10 FPGA Package B610 Result Analysis

After you specify the parameter settings, the GPIO SSO Estimator Tool for MAX® 10 FPGA Package B610 displays the analysis results.
Table 29.   GPIO SSO Estimator Tool for MAX® 10 FPGA Package B610 Result
Field Description
SSO Noise Margin (%)

Displays the SSO noise margin in percentage, based on the combination of parameters.

Other values:

  • NA—the Board Thickness parameter is not specified.
  • 100%—maximum SSO noise margin. The Toggling Output IO Counts parameters are not specified.

Ensure that the reported SSO noise margin for the I/O bank is higher than 0%.

Assigned IO Counts

Displays the total number of simultaneous toggling outputs you specified for the I/O bank.

Other value:

  • 0—the Toggling Output IO Counts parameters are not specified.

Ensure that the displayed value is not higher than the Total Available IOs value.

Total Available IOs

Displays the total available I/Os in the I/O bank.


Displays the analysis result based on the SSO Noise Margin (%) and Assigned IO Counts values:

  • Meet noise margin—the SSO Noise Margin (%) value is higher than 0% (positive number).
  • Error: Violated noise margin!!!—the SSO Noise Margin (%) value is lower than 0% (negative number).
  • Error: Missing board thickness definition, please fill in the board thickness!!!—the Board Thickness parameter is not specified.
  • Error: Total assigned IO counts exceeded the available IO counts for this bank!!!—the Assigned IO Counts value is more than the Total Available IOs value.